Chronic Kidney Disease | Causes, Symptoms & Homoeopathic Remedies

Mar 2, 2022

What is chronic kidney disease?

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition in which the kidneys are gradually damaged and become less able to filter out waste products from the blood. This leads to high levels of creatinine in your blood, which can lead to problems with other organs like your heart and liver. The term chronic also indicates that the damage done to the kidneys is long-lasting, and often cannot be repaired naturally.

CKD can be caused by diabetes, excessive use of painkillers or certain medicines, heavy alcohol consumption or some autoimmune diseases. Treatment options include dialysis or transplantation.

Treatment options vary depending on how severe your kidney damage is but often involve drugs that help preserve function until you need dialysis treatments for an extended period of time.


What causes chronic kidney disease?

Certain conditions and diseases can lead to the damage and failure of the kidneys. Diabetes and high blood pressure make up two-thirds of CKD cases.

Diabetes results in high levels of sugar to damage the important organs in our bodies, with the heart and kidney facing the most damage. High blood pressure causes the walls of blood vessels to expand, leading to heart attacks, strokes and chronic kidney disease.

  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • Vesicoureteral reflux
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Repeated urinary infections
  • Prolonged obstruction of the urinary tract
  • Lupus


Chronic kidney disease stages

There are five stages of chronic kidney disease, with each stage producing its own set of symptoms.

Stage 1 refers to mild damage done to the kidneys, whereas stage 5 indicates severe damage that leads to kidney failure. In stage 1, symptoms may be so mild that a person doesn’t realise they have CKD, which often means that it can rapidly worsen until the condition is advanced.

The advanced stage can lead to dangerous levels of fluids, electrolytes and wastes to build up in the body, resulting in gradual loss of kidney function.


Chronic kidney disease symptoms

Early detection and treatment are essential to maintain quality of life and extend life expectancy. Symptoms may not be apparent until advanced stages of the disease have developed. Knowing the signs and symptoms of chronic kidney disease can help you get treatment early if needed.

Some common symptoms include:

  • Weakness
  • Swollen feet or ankles
  • Changes in urine output or colour
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Poor appetite
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Dry, flaky, itchy skin
  • Fatigue and needing to sleep longer than usual
  • Cramping at night
  • Increased need to urinate


Homoeopathic remedies for chronic kidney disease

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in homoeopathy as an alternative treatment for chronic kidney disease (CKD). While there is no cure for chronic kidney disease, there are treatments available that can help slow its progression. Homoeopathic remedies are thought to be safe and effective for addressing the symptoms of CKD.

Disclaimer - Homeopathy does not work by treating named conditions; that is the domain of Allopathic Medicine. Homeopathy employs natural remedies in potentised doses to encourage your own innate healing response - supporting your overall wellbeing. For the best results in helping your condition, we advise you to visit a professional Homeopath rather than rely on anything mentioned in this article. By consulting with a Homeopath, your individual treatment plan will help you gain a better understanding of yourself and what triggers your emotional or physical disease. When you develop an illness, the way you experience your symptoms is unique to youtherefore your Homeopathic prescription will be based on your subjective symptoms and individual reactions rather than your diagnosis. That being said, there are remedies which do have an elective affinity to certain organ systems, physiological and pathological processes. These are outlined below for cold sores. 

Terebinthinae oleum

This is a remedy made from Oil of turpentine. It has a specific affinity to the Kidneys, and is suitable for treatment of burning and drawing pains in the kidney region. It is indicated when there are proteins or blood found in the urine. There may also be constant tenesmus (straining at stool / having the urge to go but passing nothing).



Cantharis vesicatoria

Cantharis (Spanish fly) is famous for its burning pains and for urinary tract infections. It can be a useful remedy in CKD where there are violent cutting or burning pains extending from the kidneys down either ureter to the bladder.


Apis mellificaApis

This remedy is made from the Honey bee. One of the main characteristics is the tendency to produce swellinghot and red and of course reminiscent of a bee sting. As well as being suited to Kidney disorders, it is suited to people who are worse from heat and better for cold applications or being out of doors. The type is usually very industrious, busy fruitlessly and suffer from angry outbursts, jealousy and shock.



Arsenicum and compunds

Arsenicum is another useful remedy for CKD, particularly when accompanied by restlessness, nervousness and a great deal of fears and anxieties of any origin. Typically, the pains (usually burning in nature) bring about a despairing condition where the person paces up and down relentlessly, worrying about their condition. This is all despite being very exhausted and weak.



Formica rufa

This remedy made from the formic acid of a Red ant, has an affinity for the kidneys and in particular for chronic nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys). It is also a remedy often used in the treatment of gout and other rheumatic conditions, such as stiffness in the joints. Typically, the pains are rapidly shifting and there is swelling of the joints.



Hepar sulph

A remedy made by Dr Hahnemann by burning flowers of Sulphur and Oyster shell together at a very high heat. The main feature of this remedy is extreme sensitivity and a feeling of vulnerability. They feel that anything can penetrate their defences and are therefore very oversensitive to pain. It is also an important remedy for suppurations – where the wound forms pus. In terms of kidney problems, there is a constant urging to urinate, with purulent sediment found in the urine.


Note: If you would like to use RadarOpus and practise homoeopathy, take a look at our beginner's course.
