Materia Medica Pura Project
Group Summaries
Collecting, updating and refining the reliable information of our most important remedies
Andre Saine's Materia Medica Pura Project in RadarOpus
Under the guidance of Andre Saine, the Materia Medica Pura Project is updating and improving our materia medica and repertories!
- An international team from 13 countries is collecting all the reliable homeopathic material of about 600 remedies!
- Sources include provings, toxicological reports, clinical evidence and cured cases.
- Sources include provings, toxicological reports, clinical evidence and cured cases.
- An international team from 13 countries is collecting all the reliable homeopathic material of about 600 remedies!
Our first release - “MMPP Group Summaries” - in English and German!
- The “Summaries” are typically between 1 and 10 pages long, conveying the genius of each remedy.
- Featuring 186 remedies in English and 201 in German!
- Click here to see the full list of remedies in the English version.
- Click here to see the full list of remedies in the German version.
- Click here to see an example of the MMPP Genius of Ambra grisea in English
- Click here to see an example of the MMPP Genius of Ambra grisea in German
Make the most of Saine's Materia Medica Pura Group Summaries in RadarOpus
- With the MMPP document open, you can enter keywords to express the Genius of your case into the RadarOpus search window.
- In the example below, *heat* instructs the search engine to look for heat, but it will also find the word overheated, which is used extensively in the text.
- Cough* will find cough, coughs, coughing etc.
- The graph shows which remedies cover both of these symptoms as part of their Genius.
- This approach has great application in any case where a clear and coherent totality of symptoms has been gathered expressing the central disturbance and intense symptoms in the patient.
- Next, you can double click on any remedy (or the bar graph) to re-do the search - taking you directly to the source text for that remedy so you can cross-check the materia medica against your case.
- This approach has great application in any case where a clear and coherent totality of symptoms has been gathered expressing the central disturbance and intense symptoms in the patient.
In the example below, you see the materia medica of Thlaspi bursa pastoris (Shepherd's purse) - with the chosen keywords highlighted
The search results from Materia Medica Pura can also be extracted to rubrics for a conventional analysis in RadarOpus
The extracted rubrics can even be used to filter a conventional analysis made using Synthesis repertory
This ensures that only the remedies with those symptoms in their Genius will be considered!
For a useful reminder of what the term Genius means in relation to our Materia Medica, click here for a tutorial on Boger's Synoptic Key.
The Genius according to Boger is
The strain which runs through every pathogenetic symptom complex...
To give this its proper place in the prescription should be the ideal of every prescriber.
They should reflect a speaking image of the correctly indicated remedy.
Cyrus Boger
In summary
- The gestalt pattern is the established remedy picture of a certain remedy.
- The clinically confirmed essence or nucleus of the overall gestalt picture which has been established for many remedies over decades is termed the Genius of the remedy.