Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, is an allergic reaction triggered by environmental allergens such as pollen, dust mites, or pet dander.

Jun 19, 2023

Common Symptoms of Hay Fever

It is important to know the common symptoms of any condition, and Hay Fever is no exception. This is so that the Homeopath can better understand which symptoms are more characteristic, singular or unique to each case. In other words, those symptoms of the patient which do not belong to the common symptoms of the condition are considered as the most guiding to the most similar Homeopathic remedy.

These are some of the most common symptoms in Hay Fever: 

  1. Sneezing: Frequent and repetitive sneezing.
  2. Runny or Stuffy Nose: Profuse, watery nasal discharge or nasal congestion.
  3. Itchy and Watery Eyes: Red, itchy, and watery eyes.
  4. Nasal Itching and Tickling: Intense itching

Homeopathic remedies to help with acute Hay Fever symptoms

Kent_quote_3Before we continue with outlining 7 of the best Homeopathic remedies for treating the acute symptoms of Hay Fever, let’s remember what the legendary Homeopath, James Tyler Kent said about therapeutic work in acute settings:

"Homeopathy is wholly capable of satisfying the therapeutic demands of this age better than any other system or school of medicine."


Allium cepa

all-c.2Allium cepa is derived from the onion plant. Onions contain bioactive compounds such as quercetin and sulfur compounds that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These properties may help reduce the inflammatory response in the nasal passages and eyes, providing relief from symptoms associated with hay fever.

  • Genius Symptoms: Profuse, watery nasal discharge with bland tears; burning sensation in eyes and nose; better in open air.

  • Keynote Repertory Rubrics from Synthesis Adonis:
    • EYE - PAIN - rubbing - must rub – burning
    • NOSE - CORYZA - discharge, with - warm room agg.
    • NOSE - CORYZA - warm - room - agg.
    • NOSE - DISCHARGE - excoriating - left nostril, from
    • NOSE - HAY FEVER - August; in
    • LARYNX AND TRACHEA - PAIN - Larynx - cough agg.; during - grasps the larynx
    • COUGH - HACKING - cold air agg.


Euphrasia officinalis

euphr.5Euphrasia, commonly known as eyebright, is a flowering plant. It contains flavonoids, tannins, and essential oils that have astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. These components may help reduce eye inflammation, relieve redness, and soothe irritated eyes, which are common symptoms of hay fever.

  • Genius Symptoms: Profuse, acrid, burning tears; watery nasal discharge alternating with nasal obstruction; intense photophobia.

  • Keynote Repertory Rubrics from Synthesis Adonis:
    • EYE - COMPLAINTS of eyes - accompanied by – coryza
    • EYE - INFLAMMATION – chronic
    • EYE - INFLAMMATION - Conjunctiva – purulent
    • EYE - LACHRYMATION – profuse
    • EYE - LACHRYMATION - wind agg.
    • EYE - LIGHT; from - artificial light - agg.
    • EYE - TEARS – biting
    • NOSE - DISCHARGE – bland
    • EXPECTORATION - COPIOUS - mouthful at a time


Sabadilla officinarum

Sabadilla is derived from the seeds of the Cevadilla plant. It contains alkaloids, particularly Veratrine, which has antispasmodic properties.

  • Genius Symptoms: Violent, spasmodic sneezing; itching and tingling in nose and throat; stuffed sensation in nose with clear, watery discharge.

  • Keynote Repertory Rubrics from Synthesis Adonis:
    • EYE - LACHRYMATION - yawning agg.
    • NOSE - COMPLAINTS of nose - one side
    • NOSE - CORYZA - lachrymation; with
    • NOSE - CORYZA - odors - roses agg. Of
    • NOSE - CORYZA - warm - room - amel.
    • NOSE - DISCHARGE – hot
    • NOSE - FORMICATION – Inside
    • NOSE - HAY FEVER - accompanied by – sneezing
    • NOSE - SNEEZING - concussive

Arsenicum album

ars.1Arsenicum album is a homeopathic remedy derived from arsenic trioxide. In its natural form, arsenic is toxic, but when diluted and potentized according to homeopathic principles, it is capable of stimulating the body's healing response. Arsenic has been historically used in traditional medicine for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Genius Symptoms: Burning, watery nasal discharge; frequent sneezing with itching in the nose; anxiety and restlessness.

  • Keynote Repertory Rubrics from Synthesis Adonis:
    • EYE - EXCORIATION – Canthi
    • EYE - EXCORIATION – Lids
    • EYE - INFLAMMATION – chronic
    • EYE - PAIN - opening the eyes - agg. – burning
    • EYE - SWELLING - Lids – edematous
    • EYE - SWELLING - Lids - Under the lids
    • NOSE - CORYZA - accompanied by - smell; loss of
    • NOSE - CORYZA - violent attacks
    • NOSE - EXCORIATION - Nostrils - coryza; during
    • NOSE - OBSTRUCTION - sensation of - watery discharge; with
    • NOSE - PAIN - coryza; during - burning pain
    • NOSE - PAIN - coryza; during - raw; as if

Natrum muriaticum

nat-m.2Natrum muriaticum, or common salt, is a mineral substance used in homeopathy. Salt is an essential mineral for maintaining the body's electrolyte balance and fluid distribution.

  • Genius Symptoms: Profuse, watery nasal discharge like raw egg white; violent sneezing attacks in the morning; worse in the sun.

  • Keynote Repertory Rubrics from Synthesis Adonis:
    • EYE - DISCHARGES – thick
    • EYE - DISCHARGES - Lachrymal sac, from
    • EYE - DISCOLORATION - red - reading agg.
    • EYE - EXCORIATION – Lids
    • EYE - INFLAMMATION – Canthi
    • EYE - INFLAMMATION - Lachrymal ducts
    • EYE - ITCHING – morning
    • EYE - LACHRYMATION – profuse
    • EYE - LACHRYMATION - wind agg.
    • EYE - PAIN - morning - sand; as from
    • EYE - PAIN - exertion of the eyes - agg. – burning
    • EYE - PAIN - light; from - artificial light - agg.
    • EYE - PAIN - light; from - sunlight - agg.
    • EYE - SWELLING - Lachrymal ducts
    • NOSE - CORYZA - lachrymation; with
    • NOSE - CORYZA - uncovering; from - head; the
    • NOSE - DISCHARGE - egg white; like
    • NOSE - DISCHARGE – hot
    • LARYNX AND TRACHEA - MUCUS - Larynx - copious

Wyethia helenioides

Wyethia_helenioides_2Wyethia helenioides, also known as poison weed, is a flowering plant. It is considered a botanical irritant.

  • Genius Symptoms: Intense itching and tickling sensation in the throat, causing constant coughing; pain in the throat with a constant desire to swallow.

  • Keynote Repertory Rubrics from Synthesis Adonis:
    • EYE - CRAWLING – Lids
    • EYE - DRYNESS - Lids - sensation of
    • EYE - ITCHING - Canthi – Inner
    • NOSE - CORYZA - autumn agg.
    • NOSE - CORYZA - discharge, with – afternoon
    • NOSE - CORYZA - flowers – chamomile
    • NOSE - CORYZA - odors - roses agg. Of
    • NOSE - DISCHARGE – burning
    • NOSE - DISCHARGE – copious
    • NOSE - DISCHARGE – excoriating
    • NOSE - DISCHARGE - Posterior nares
    • NOSE - DRYNESS - Posterior nares
    • NOSE - HAY FEVER - autumn agg.
    • NOSE - INFLAMMATION - Posterior nares
    • NOSE - ITCHING - Inside - extending to – Ear
    • NOSE - ITCHING - Posterior nares
    • LARYNX AND TRACHEA - PAIN - Larynx - Epiglottis – burning
    • COUGH - TICKLING - Throat; in


Ambrosia artemisiifolia

Ab_plant_2210Ambrosia artemisiifolia, commonly known as ragweed, is a flowering plant found in many parts of the world. It is a well-known allergen and a major trigger for hay fever symptoms. Ambrosia artemisiifolia releases pollen into the air, which can cause allergic reactions in susceptible individuals.

  • Genius Symptoms: Profuse, watery nasal discharge; frequent sneezing; intense itching in the nose and throat.

  • Keynote Repertory Rubrics from Synthesis Adonis:
    • EYE - ITCHING - Canthi – Inner
    • EYE - ITCHING - Lids – Margin
    • NOSE - CORYZA - accompanied by – epistaxis
    • NOSE - CORYZA - discharge, without
    • NOSE - CORYZA - lachrymation; with
    • NOSE - DISCHARGE – cold
    • NOSE - DISCHARGE – excoriating
    • NOSE - DISCHARGE – hot
    • NOSE - HAY FEVER - asthmatic breathing; with
    • NOSE - HAY FEVER - August; in
    • COUGH - SEASONS - summer agg.
Please note that the above information is general and not tailored to individual cases. Homeopathy is a holistic approach, and remedies are selected based on a person's unique symptoms and characteristics. It is advisable to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner for proper diagnosis and personalized treatment.

