The Synthesis Homeopathic App

Your everyday companion
Always with you when you need it
Whenever & wherever
The most reliable and largest Homeopathic Repertory is now available as an App!

About Synthesis

The Synthesis App is based on the Synthesis Repertory edition 2009, published by Dr. Frederik Schroyens.
Synthesis is used worldwide and is known to be the most comprehensive & most reliable repertory.

Containing the Synthesis edition 2009V, over 2500 pages, a full remedy list, and much more, the Synthesis Homeopathic App is the biggest and best homeopathic repertory app available for download by practitioners and students.

Try & Buy

Try out the Synthesis App demo (Lite) version:
In the Apple Itunes store for your iOS device - EN / FR / DE / IT / SP
In the Google Play store for your Android device - EN / FR / DE / IT

Buy the Synthesis App full version:
In the Apple Itunes store for your iOS device - EN / FR / DE / IT / SP
In the Google Play store for your Android device - EN / FR / DE / IT


The video below demonstrates the following Synthesis App functionality:
Browse, Find, Search, Clipboard and Analysis, Export, The symptom path, The Repertory Tab, Bookmarks.

Synthesis App Features 


Below, you will find screenshot examples of the Synthesis Homeopathic App.

These screenshots cover only some of the features.
These are English Synthesis App screenshots. The Synthesis App is also available in other languages.
These screenshots are mostly taken with an Android Smartphone but the Synthesis App runs on all mobile platforms! On other platforms, the layout looks very similar.


Here you find the most recent version of the Synthesis App Manuals.
For any questions not answered, contact your local representative or support.

English Manual
French Manual (Français)
German Manual (Deutsch)
Hungarian Manual (Magyar)
Italian Manual (Italiano)
Spanish Manual (Español)
